Happy 2024!

As we kick off the new year, we want to say thank you for your prayers and support in 2023. On Monday, a new school year begins and your generosity will pave the way for 207 students to enter their classrooms, full of excitement for another year of learning.

On behalf of the Shade US and Tanzanian teams, Happy New Year, and may God bless you in 2024!


Help Shade School Launch Third Grade!

Third Grade is coming!

Shade School is growing by a grade level each year until our school is complete. This January, we are thrilled to be adding third grade! With a new grade level comes new infrastructure. This is where we need your help!

  • $70 provides school supplies for a student
  • $105 buys a desk for a third grader
  • $210 provides 100 new storybooks
  • $350 feeds 50 students for a month
  • $700 purchases textbooks for third grade
  • $1,000 outfits the new classroom with a cabinet, whiteboard, teacher’s desk, and shelves

Will you give a one-time or recurring gift to help launch third grade at Shade School?

Stella’s Story

With your help, Shade can launch third grade and welcome new students like Stella.* Stella is an 8-year-old with albinism who has already experienced more challenges than a child ever should: abandonment, disability, rejection, and poverty.

After Stella’s parents abandoned her at a young age, Stella’s grandmother, Martha,* took over as her caregiver. Martha says that she knows little about albinism and that her community doesn’t understand Stella’s condition either. Lacking the funds to send Stella to a quality school, she planned to enroll her at the local government school this January.

Stella’s aunt worries about the conditions at the local school. The classes are crowded and lack resources. Teachers don’t have the tools or capacity to meet the needs of a student with low vision, which is a condition of Stella’s albinism. There is a high likelihood of bullying by her peers since she’d be the only child with albinism, and because the school is far away with no buses, Stella risks being exposed to the harmful sun walking to and from school.

However, with the launch of third grade at Shade School, everything will change for Stella. At Shade, she will be instructed by teachers who know how to accommodate her disability and vulnerability to the sun. She will be loved for who she is and make friends with and without albinism. She will get an excellent education, eat two healthy meals, and be able to ride a bus safely to and from school.

*Names changed for privacy

Other Ways to Give

Matching Gifts

Your employer may match donations to Shade up to a certain dollar amount each year. Contact your HR department for requirements. If your employer uses Benevity, Shade is registered and able to receive these gifts!


It’s easy to give to Shade through your donor-advised fund. If you have a DAF, please consider recommending to your financial advisor that they support Shade.

Security Assets

Shade is happy to recieve security asset donations including publicly held stock, mutual funds, or bond funds. A security donation instruction sheet is available here or upon request by email (contact@shadetz.org).

Online Shopping

Shade is registered with iGive, a platform that donates when you shop online. You can sign up here so that a percentage of what you spend will be sent our way!