Creating Change

Our latest social media series was called Creating Change. Over the course of seven posts, we shared Shade’s strategy for creating change for people with albinism in Tanzania. Our three main focuses are education, advocacy, and faith, and we dug a little deeper into each of those to answer some of your questions. Here’s a recap, in case you missed it!

What are some ways to create change for persecuted people with albinism? (1/7)

Education + Advocacy + Faith = the Shade approach

???? Education opens the door to a brighter future.
???? Advocacy paves the way for change
✝️ Faith emboldens us to walk as children of God.

Stay tuned this week for our #CreatingChange series. Now that we know the facts (see, let’s create change for PWA.

Why is education important, especially for children with albinism? (2/7)

???? Education equips children for bright futures.

‼️ But, getting a quality education isn’t always easy for children with albinism. They are often kept home by family members, either to protect them or because they believe it’s a waste to invest in a person with albinism. If sent to school, they often are bullied and face the challenges associated with low-vision. Often teachers aren’t equipped to accommodate their impairment.

????‍???? Shade School will be a place where children with albinism can have access to quality education. More on that tomorrow…

What is the vision for Shade School? (3/7)

???? The motto of Shade School is: Raising Leaders, Changing the World. We aim to help children achieve their full potential and become change-makers.

We have a focus on:
???? Quality – an English-medium school with top of the line educational standards
????????‍???? Inclusivity – children with and without albinism, or any other disability, are welcome! (more on that tomorrow…)
???? Safety – security and systems in place that create a safe place for students with albinism
????????‍♂️ Holistic Care – caring for the student beyond in the classroom
✝️ Faith – embodying and sharing the good news of the Gospel

Why should there be inclusion in education? (4/7)

〽️ People with albinism face ostracization. They are often separated—in physical proximity and educational opportunity—from children without albinism. This separation perpetuates the misunderstanding that people with albinism are different, lesser, and incapable of achieving.

???????? Children without albinism at Shade School will have the opportunity to grow up knowing differently. They will study, live, and become friends with their peers with albinism. They will be the next generation that knows the truth and continues to pass it on, ultimately dispelling the myths and misunderstandings about albinism.

???? Inclusion benefits everyone. Diversity enriches us all

Why is advocacy important? (5/7)

???? Advocacy brings awareness, and awareness is the first step towards change.

???? Understanding that people with albinism are just like everyone else—apart from two differences: low vision and reduced pigmentation—will lead to a realization that they deserve the same rights and opportunities.

What does advocacy look like? What can I do to advocate for people with albinism? (6/7)

???????? In Tanzania, advocacy looks like seminars, community outreach, inclusive education, radio broadcasting, people with albinism in leadership, and support to people with albinism who are working in the community.

???????? In the US, advocacy looks like: speaking about the persecution of people with albinism, sharing information, prayer, and financial support for programs that are creating change, and….posts like these!

So you want to be an advocate?
???? Speak about albinism to your networks or ask a Shade rep to do so (even virtually!)
???? Like, share & commenting spreads the reach of social media posts
???? Educate yourself! Start at and sign up for our newsletters there
???? Pray for hearts to change toward PWA, violence would end, truth would prevail
???? Give financially so that work can continue at

Why is faith important in creating change? (7/7)

✝️ We believe that true transformation will come when all people experience the Father’s heart of love for them, the forgiveness of Jesus given to them, and the empowering work of the Holy Spirit guiding them. When faced by the power of God’s love, violence and prejudice against people with albinism will not stand.

????‍????‍????‍???? All of Shade’s work is infused with the Gospel message. Our Campus aims to be a community centered on family in Christ, reflecting His heart in Psalm 68:6.

To stay informed and continue to advocate with us, please like and follow Shade on social mediaThis is a simple way to make a difference for people with albinism in Tanzania.