Five Ways You Can Pray For Shade

During the Coronavirus Pandemic

March 21, 2020

(1) Pray for our community of Magobeko, that it would be protected from infection. This includes all of the families that we have had the privilege of serving, as well as our preschool students.

(2) Pray for the protection of our Tanzanian team, namely John M., Martina, Mecktilda, Janeth, Debora, George, John N., Mariam, and Rose. Pray also for our U.S. team, including Claire, Jack, Esme, Carolyn, and Susan.

(3) Pray that both the U.S. and Tanzanian teams would have wisdom and know how to love others in the midst of a pandemic.

(4) Pray for the children with albinism and with other disabilities at the local government center, that they would remain healthy and free from infection.

(5) Pray for the government and all those in leadership in Tanzania, that they would have wisdom and use resources wisely to serve the people.

2 thoughts on “Five Ways You Can Pray For Shade

  1. My trip to Tanzania was of course cancelled as was my mission trip to Zimbabwe. For a while I felt like a canoe without an oar but God is showing me to trust Him and He will show me how He can use me here right at home. I am seeing new opportunities and I am thankful.
    Thank you for your specific prayers. I am praying accordingly.
    For Him, Charlotte
    Oh, I am supposed to take a team to Dar in Sept. to the Salvstion Army compound where they have children with albinism and physically disabled children. Please pray that we will be able to take a team. Our ministry to the Deaf coordinator will also be a part of the team. She will connect with a school for the deaf in Dar. We are very excited about this new opportunity.

  2. Thanks for the update, Charlotte. So sorry your trip was canceled, but I’m glad you’re able to see God working through it and are attuned to what He wants to teach you during this time. We will be praying that your September trip will happen! Thank you for your prayers!


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